Mobile app Development Partner
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Software development Solution
Leo Burnett.
We created a cross-platform Mobile App for Davivienda Bank users as part of an important marketing campaign called “El Corresponsal” (the journalist). The application uploads streaming videos recorded by the users, it shows all videos, and all users were able to like each video. At the end of the campaign, the video with more likes is the winner.

The process to succeed

IT Consultancy
We supported all processes related to the planning and determination of the result, like brainstorming sessions, technical definitions, business model review, and creation of technical specifications.

Software Development
We assist with a Software development crew that includes the architect, mobile app developers, Backend developers, Web App developers, Product Owners, and Scrum Masters.

QA and testing
Automated and Manual Quality Assurance and testing working with platforms as Katalon, Appium, App Center, etc. to accomplish all functional, aesthetic, and non-functional specifications.

IT Consultancy.
Planning and technical requirements
Understand the requirement in depth. Then, we carry out a mutual process with the customer where it is possible to potentiate, balance, redefine, and arrive at a viable and efficient technological solution using the following steps and iterations:
1. Characterization of product choices.
2. Determination of the high-level designations.
3. Definition of the technical requirements and external elements to use (technological allies, APIs, libraries, frameworks) and technologies to work.
Deliverable: Product documentation at a high level.
The team involved: IT Senior consultant and Innovation Consultant.
Precise definition of all the functional and non-functional characteristics that the product must include, along with its acceptance guidelines and technical stipulations on desirable technologies to develop the product. Deliverable: Document of functional, non-functional requirements, and user stories. Team member: Engineer specialized in requirement analysis.

Software Development.
Architecture and programming.
Our Software development team built the product following scalability, designs, and client requirements. We always accompany these processes looking for the most well-built performance for the Mobile App.
The technologies selected to work were Xcode using Swift programming language and Android Studio using Kotlin for the mobile app. For the web backend, we worked with Microsoft Visual Studio Core.
Software Development.
Work methodology, quality assurance, and maintenance services included.
Scrum methodology is our choice. A DevOps specialist manages the development, and a Product Owner is involved to ensure consistent communication and potentialize the product as much as possible.
We worked with Azure DevOps to transparently track the development of all stakeholders. We implement Manual and Automated QA and testing techniques for functional and non-functional specs. We work with Postman, Selenium, and Azure DevOps to report any issues, errors, or concerns.