Mobile App Development Partner In USA
Flutter · React.js · AWS · Ruby on Rail · Jira · Sport Monks · Browser Stack · Selenium · Swagger · Postman · iOS · Android
Fantasy sports mobile app
We created a fantasy Sports mobile app and platform which allows users to create leagues, and clubs, select players, and compete following the Premier League updated data.
Our USA-based client needed a high-quality product that interacts easily with real-time information to provide fluent interaction with users with optimum user experience. Evolutive maintenance is an important phase because we continue creating new functionalities and improvements.
Our responsibilities are the software development and maintenance of a mobile app, web app, backend, and cloud infrastructure

The process to succeed

Software Development
(Nearshore app development team): We included the CTO, AWS Architect, Mobile App developers, Web App developers, Backend developers, Product Owner, and Scrum Master.

QA and testing
We involved automated and manual QA and testing procedures, working with tools like Katalon, Kobiton, browser stack, Selenium, Appium, K6, Specflow, and App Center to complete security, functional and non-functional specifications.

Nearshore App Development Team.
Architecture and programming.
Our Software and App development team maintained the AWS infrastructure following scalability, designs, and established requirements. We included an App developer to create the fantasy sports UI, a Backend developer, and a Frontend developer working in technologies like Node.js, SQL Server, React.js, Typescript, Flutter, and Ruby on Rails.
We escort these processes by looking for the best performance and security practices.
App Development - Nearshore services
The development procedure, Quality Assurance, and Support level services.
SCRUM is our choice. A DevOps and Scrum Master rules the development, and a Product Owner is involved to ensure consistent communication and manage to have the best product. We work with Jira and Miro to transparently track the evolution of all the stakeholders.
We implement Manual and Automated QA and testing techniques for security, functional and non-functional specs. We operate with Postman, Swagger, Selenium, K6, Specflow, Browser Stack, and Azure DevOps to report any issues, errors, or concerns.

We offer three support-level assistance:
1. Corrective Maintenance: to resolve any errors or problems detected after the definitive release. This service is contained by our six months warranty, for free.
2. Preventive Maintenance: To monitor the optimal functioning of the Apps on new OS versions or mobile devices. Furthermore, we check the structure and cloud services implemented to prevent other malfunctioning or App breakdowns.
3. Evolutive Maintenance: To attend to new requirements from the client to improve the functionality or create new features.

What our client say about us

" Their Energy And Passion For The Project Are Always At A High Level. "
- CEO DraftBall -